Coboți – Universal Robots și roboți – Mobile Industrial Robots – în stoc

Avem vești excelente pentru cei interesați de automatizare! Roboții noștri, atât coboții de la Universal Robots, cât și roboții mobili de la Mobile Industrial Robots, sunt acum disponibili pe stoc și gata să răspundă nevoilor afacerii tale. Mai mult, până pe 20 decembrie, poți beneficia de discounturi semnificative pentru a face tranziția către automatizare mai […]

Ready-to-Ship Equipment in Stock

We are excited to announce that we currently have the following equipment available and ready for immediate purchase: All units are pre-owned, carefully maintained, and in excellent working condition. Take advantage of this opportunity to avoid delays and secure your equipment right away! For more details, please contact: Horia Stanese – Business Development Manager📞 +40 […]

Technology Days – Day 3 – Test & Inspection

On the third day of Technology Days, the spotlight was on Test & Inspection, featuring the latest innovations in test coverage software, boundary scanning, in-system programming, and advanced equipment designed to streamline and enhance electronic testing and inspection processes. This immersive day was dedicated to exploring top-tier equipment from leaders like Aster, XJTAG, SMH Technologies, […]

Technology Days – Day 2 – Test & Hardware & Software solutions

Day Two of Technology Days focused on innovations in ICT testing, hardware, and software solutions, offering a comprehensive look at the latest advancements in quality assurance through cutting-edge X-Ray and Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) technologies. Industry professionals and clients gathered to see firsthand how these technologies are transforming performance and quality assurance across sectors. Featured […]

Technology Days – Day 1 – Automation

Technology Days – Leading the Future of Automation with Cobots and Mobile Industrial Robots We celebrated 20 years of activity, meaning two decades of dedicated service and innovation for our valued customers. It was a three-day event, each day focusing on a different field of expertise: The Technology Days Automation Event has solidified its place […]

Meet Alfa Test team at Electronica 2024

We are delighted to inform you of our participation to this year’s “Electronica” trade fair and conference for electronics scheduled to be held from November 12th to15th, in München, Germany. Click below to register for tickets or schedule a meeting with our team: During the event you can get in touch with the following members of the Alfa Test […]

How was it at our event “Technology Days” 20th Anniversary Event?

We recently celebrated a milestone event—our 20th Anniversary Celebration—and it was nothing short of extraordinary! Over three exciting days, we hosted one of the largest technology test & automation events in Central & Eastern Europe: Technology Days. The event brought together over 15 speakers, including European and regional sales managers, as well as technical experts […]

Linia de roboți CB3 de la Universal Robots-Anunț încheiere vânzări

Linia de roboți CB3 de la Universal Robots va fi oprită, iar vânzările se vor încheia până la sfârșitul anului 2024. De ce seria CB3 este eliminată treptat? Deși a demonstrat valoare de durată pentru mulți clienți, s-a decis renunțarea treptată la producție, astfel încât focusul să fie coboții, seria E, cu sarcină utilă mare, […]

Driving Innovation of ISP technology: SMH Technologies collaboration with Alfa Test

” SMH Technologies has created and maintained a competitive technological advantage over time, enabling the company to achieve world leader status in In-System Programming Technology. The global reputation of SMH Technologies is built on providing the highest levels of ISP Technology available on the market. This achievement stems from continuous investment in research, development, and […]

Technology Days – Alfa Test 20th Anniversary Event

We are excited to invite you to our 20th anniversary celebration, marking two decades of dedicated service and innovation for our valued customers. Join us for a three-day event, each day focusing on a different field of expertise: Day One – Automation: Experience the latest in automation with cutting-edge demonstrations and presentations, including advancements in […]